The Power of Community

Well, January is certainly whizzing by and forget Blue Monday, we've had a Blue January sadly and really need your help!
The cost of advertising has quadrupled!! The cost has just made it unviable for this small business and it's meant we've had to switch them all off and are feeling invisible which is really quite scary.
Please could we ask a massive favour and  ask you to tell everyone you know who has got or is expecting a little one all about our books?
Please send them this way to start recording their memories!

Thank you so much for being here and supporting this small business, it truly means the world.

Since launching in 2018, Colour Chronicles has grown and the small business world has changed so much. Right now, things feel more uncertain and overwhelming than ever.

Your continued support during these challenging times is invaluable, and I’m so grateful for it. I’ll admit, the thought of having to adapt to new trends and ways of finding customers is daunting when all I really want to do is focus on creating ways to capture beautiful memories. 

Thank you for sticking with me! ❤️

PS. If any of you happen to be or know anyone famous or with 'influence' please hit reply to this email!!! 

PPS. If anyone not famous or with 'influence' like me would be happy to record a short video testimonial about their memory book and email it I would be forever grateful!! Thank you xx

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