Happy 2nd birthday from the Book of You book club, where we collect and cherish childhood memories together.

1. The Moment

Year two - it's that time again, when we can't believe a whole year has already flashed by. We bet their second year has been both fun and mess-filled! Time to get it all down in your Book of You.

  1. Find a comfy spot
  2. Gather your refreshments - no judgement here!
  3. Think back on the last year and pop those memories in your Book of You 
  4. No doubt you have a 'budding artist' now, let them loose on their 'make your mark' page, or you can stick in a photo or two!

2. The Memory

Logan's turned two!

To share your memory, tag @colour.chronicles on insta. If we feature yours on our social pages or here, we’ll send you a book of your choice.

3. The Advice You Didn't Ask For

"If you still think there's such a thing as a perfect parenting, just know that I'm a paediatrician and parenting author, and my toddler is eating strawberries dipped in ketchup for dinner tonight."

— Rachel Diamond, MD

4. The Parent Friend


We love this sustainable alternative to buying new toys. Whirli is the online toy borrowing service founded by Nigel Phan in 2018. Pick your toys from the extensive library, play to your heart's content, then return. It's less wasteful, affordable, and fun. Everybody's happy!

Take a look at Whirli.com

5. The Memory Maker

Get messy!

Glitter, sand, mud, water, playdoh. Make some memories by getting messy. Get your protective clothes and coverings in place and go for it together. They'll love exploring the different textures. And you'll love experiencing it with them. Top tip: can't handle the mess at home? Head to a play centre or park. 

Happy memory making book clubbers


Colour Chronicles Founder


Gold award for inclusive baby memory book
Award for best new baby gift
Award for baby journal from made for mums