Happy 4th birthday from the Book of You book club, where we collect and cherish childhood memories together.
1. The Moment
Year four - how are they turning four!? Tipping over from toddler into child. Four is a fabulous age, when new found confidence comes shining through. Capture all the changes in your annual Book of You entry.
1. Pick a Sunday morning and snuggle up in bed together with your Book of You
2. Let them tell you their favourite memories, then get them down on paper
3. When you're done, look back on years one, two, and three and reminisce together
2. The Memory
We love this birthday celebration photo!
To share your memory, tag @colour.chronicles on instagram. If we feature yours on our social or here, we’ll send you a book of your choice.
3. The Advice You Didn't Ask For
“Having children is like living in a frat house: nobody sleeps, everything's broke, and there's lots of throwing up.”
— Ray Romano, actor
4. The Parent Friend
Fizzy Peaches
Lyndsay-Joanne - AKA Fizzy Peaches- is a blogger, LGBTQ+ advocate, and mum of two. She shares glimpses into their two-mum family life, as well as parenting tips. In her blog she talks honestly about the IVF journey she and her partner went through - and how to support anyone in a similar position.
Whether you have a veggie patch, a square of grass, or just a windowsill, planting seeds and bulbs together is easy, low cost, and so rewarding. Start with cress in an eggshell. Try tabletop tomatoes. See who can grow the tallest sunflower! You might even have a local community garden where you can volunteer together.